Monday, April 22, 2013

The Lost 116 Pages

Nephi, having faith, made another record “for other wise purposes, which purposes are known unto the Lord” (1 Nephi 19:3).  Let’s take a break from the Book of Mormon and look at why the small plates were necessary.

Moroni Visits Joseph Smith (JS-History 1:29-34)

Joseph writes that in the time since he received the First Vision, he “was guilty of levity, and sometimes associated with jovial company, etc., not consistent with that character which ought to be maintained by one who was called of God as I had been … In consequence of these things, I often felt condemned for my weakness and imperfections” (JS-History 1:28 - 29). 

So, on the night of September 21, 1823, he went to the Lord in fervent prayer.  While praying, a heavenly messenger appeared, identifying himself as Moroni.  Moroni told him about “book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an account of the former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from whence they sprang.  He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel was contained in it, as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants” (JS-History 1:34). 

The time had not yet come when Joseph would receive the plates.  Moroni visited him each year until September 22, 1827.  It was then Joseph received the plates. 

Translating and the Lost 116 Pages

(In preparing this section, I used the following articles as sources: 

·         Manuscript, Lost 116 Pages, William J. Critchlow III, Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, accessed April 22, 2013.
·         The Recovery of the Book of Mormon, Richard L. Bushman, Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, accessed April 22, 2013.
·         "For the Sum of Three Thousand Dollars," Susan Easton Black, and Larry C. Porter, Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, April 22, 2013.)

Martin Harris was a well-known and respected member of the Palmyra community.  He heard Joseph Smith’s story and become a believer.  He offered to help Joseph any way he could.  For a time, he served a scribe for Joseph. 

Harris had a real problem.  This problem’s name was Lucy.  Lucy was Harris’s wife, and she did not accept Joseph Smith’s story.  She wanted to see the plates.  She did all she could to find the plates, causing many problems for Joseph. 

While serving as Joseph’s scribe, Harris asked if he could show his wife the 116 pages of manuscript.  Joseph inquired of the Lord, but he was told not to give Harris the manuscript.  Harris asked him a second time, but again the Lord said no.  Joseph went before the Lord a third time and this time he was given permission to let him take the 116 pages. 

There were conditions placed on Harris.  Joseph told him he could only show them to his brother, parents, his wife, and his sister-in-law.  He made Harris make a covenant with him, which Harris did. A date was set for him to return the manuscript.

Martin Harris did not return when he said he would.  Joseph would soon learn the reason.  Harris broke his covenant with Joseph and showed it to many people.  The manuscript ended up missing.  Harris had no idea what happened to it.  He confronted his wife, but she denied having done anything with the manuscript. 

Finally, Harris returned.  Joseph must have been beside himself.  When he learned the manuscript had been lost, he cried, "Oh! my God my God[,]" said Joseph as he clenched his hands together, "all is lost is lost what shall I do[?] I have sinned[;] it is me that tempted the wrath of God." (This according to Lucy Mack Smith). 

Joseph was severely chastised by the Lord. 

[A] man may have many revelations, and have power to do many mighty works, yet if he boasts in his own strength, and sets at naught the counsels of God, and follows after the dictates of his own will and carnal desires, he must fall and incur the vengeance of a just God upon him.
Behold, you have been entrusted with these things, but how strict were your commandments; and remember also the promises which were made to you, if you did not transgress them.
And behold, how oft you have transgressed the commandments and the laws of God, and have gone on in the persuasions of men.
For, behold, you should not have feared man more than God.  Although men set at naught the counsels of God, and despise his words—
Yet you should have been faithful; and he would have extended his arm and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary; and he would have been with you in every time of trouble.
D&C 3:4 - 8

The plates and Urim and Thumim were taken from Joseph for a time.  Eventually, all was returned to him, and he continued the translation.

What was in the 116 pages?  They contained Mormon’s abridgement of the Book of Lehi as well as some parts of the large plates of Nephi.

What happened to the manuscript?  We don’t know.  In another revelation to Joseph, the Lord told him:

Behold, [evil men] have sought to destroy you; yea, even the man in whom you have trusted has sought to destroy you.
And for this cause I said that he is a wicked man, for he has sought to take away the things wherewith you have been entrusted; and he has also sought to destroy your gift.
 And because you have delivered the writings into his hands, behold, wicked men have taken them from you.
Therefore, you have delivered them up, yea, that which was sacred, unto wickedness.
And, behold, Satan hath put it into their hearts to alter the words which you have caused to be written, or which you have translated, which have gone out of your hands.
And behold, I say unto you, that because they have altered the words, they read contrary from that which you translated and caused to be written;
And, on this wise, the devil has sought to lay a cunning plan, that he may destroy this work;
For he hath put into their hearts to do this, that by lying they may say they have caught you in the words which you have pretended to translate.
Verily, I say unto you, that I will not suffer that Satan shall accomplish his evil design in this thing.
D&C 10:6 - 14

Lucy Harris would later claim to have burned the manuscript.  That may well be true.  The manuscript has never been found.

We see the Lord’s wisdom when dealing with us.  He provided  for a mistake Joseph Smith would make nearly two-and-a-half millennia later.  And the record would contain many plain and precious truths we would not have had it not been for Joseph Smith’s mistake.

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