Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ether 1:6-43

Moroni explains the record he was abridging was written by Ether. “And Ether was a prophet of the Lord; wherefore Ether came forth in the days of Coriantumr, and began to prophesy unto the people, for he could not be restrained because of the Spirit of the Lord which was in him” (Ether 12:2).

Verses 7-32 gives us Ether’s genealogy down through Jared, “[w]hich Jared came forth with his brother and their families … from the great tower.” (Ether 1:33). This is the first mention of Jared’s brother, who will be an important part of the record of the early Jaredites.

They came from the time of the tower of Babel, when all language was confounded. Amaleki (see Omni 1:12) tells us about an event which happened during the rule of Mosiah1. This is our first introduction to the Jaredites.

“And it came to pass in the days of Mosiah1, there was a large stone brought unto him with engravings on it; and he did interpret the engravings by the gift and power of God.
“And they gave an account of one Coriantumr, and the slain of his people. And Coriantumr was discovered by the people of Zarahemla; and he dwelt with them for the space of nine moons.
“It also spake a few words concerning his fathers. And his first parents came out from the tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people; and the severity of the Lord fell upon them according to his judgments, which are just; and their bones lay scattered in the land northward” (Omni 1:20-22).

We learn more about the Jaredites after Mosiah2 finished translating the 24 plates. “[B]ehold, it gave an account of the people who were destroyed, from the time that they were destroyed back to the building of the great tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people and they were scattered abroad upon the face of all the earth, yea, and even from that time back until the creation of Adam” (Mosiah 28:17).

The brother of Jared is described as “a large and mighty man, and a man highly favored of the Lord” (Ether 1:34). Jared asked him to ask the Lord not to confound the language of their family. He did as his brother asked. He asked the Lord to allow their language to remain the same. The Lord answered his prayers.

Next, Jared asks his brother to ask the Lord to not confound the language of their friends. The brother of Jared complied and the Lord did not confound their language.

Once again, Jared goes to his brother with a request. Will the Lord drive us out of our land? If he will, where will we go? He said they needed to be faithful so they might receive a choice land for their inheritance.

The brother of Jared prayed, asking the Lord where they are to go and was it a land of their inheritance.  The Lord answered his prayer. He was told to gather their flocks, both male and female. They were commanded to bring every type of seed they could get. They were told to gather together their families as well as the families of their friends.

They were told to go to a valley in the north. There, the Lord would meet them. They will be led “thee into a land which is choice above all the lands of the earth” (Ether 2:42). “And it came to pass that the Lord commanded them that they should go forth into the wilderness, yea, into that quarter where there never had man been. And it came to pass that the Lord did go before them, and did talk with them as he stood in a cloud, and gave directions whither they should travel” (Ether 2:5).

The Lord would bless them and the descendants of all who went with them. They would become a great nation. This will be done through the brother of Jared’s faith.

“The Lord led [the Jaredites] the American continent, with the promise that if they served Him, they would ‘be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven.’ The Nephites were also led to the same continent later. In the end both the Jaredite and the Nephite civilizations were destroyed, as they did not prove faithful.”[1]

[1] Blessings of the Gospel Available to All, Elder Joseph W. Sitati, October 2009 General Conference.

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